Day: October 5, 2012

  • France Class News

    France Class have been doing lots of exciting work in September. We have made some new friends from China class who help us with our reading. We visit our reading buddies every week and they help us with any tricky words and make sure we understand what we are reading. We have a great time…

  • Norway News.

    This week in Norway class we were learning to add 3-digit numbers (in brackets) and subtract a 3-digit number from this. We did these sums horizontally. We finished off our recounts and have been typing them to create a class book of recounts.  We read our O.R.T. books and library books during English reading and had a visit…

  • Mexico Class News

    Mexico Class has been very busy this week! We have been learning all about autumn and even created our own autumn trees in art. Check out the display outside our classroom! We have been learning lots of nursery rhymes too and we painted lovely colourful mice for Hickory Dickory Dock! We read ‘We’re going on…

  • Deep Space

    This week we did art, handball and research about Space. Do you know that there are 8 planets? Michael watched a movie that said, in 15 million years the sun will become a planet. The nearest planet to the sun is Mercury , then  Venus 2nd,   Earth 3rd,  Mars 4th,  Jupiter 5th , Saturn 6th, Uranus…

  • Our Fish Ozzie

    Norway class got a fish from Conor’s mum. Our   fish is a common goldfish or a comet. We feed him every day. We called  him  Ozzie because  Oslo  is the  capital  of Norway  and  we are  Norway class,  but we  call  him Ozzie  for  short. We love our little class representative. He is so tiny and cute. On Thursday    Eddie …

  • Our current Mural

    Before stage one of the school mural started.                     Great fun was had by both Parents and children that took part in working on this mural in Summer 2011. To see the picture come to life where there was none before. The sense of accomplishment and…