Day: September 28, 2016

  • Chile class news by Hasan and Lia

    This week Chile class worked on a type of art called shading. Inspired by Syd Mead, we sketched cars from the future. It was new to us.We also did a solar system scavenger hunt. Hasan won as he got 14/18!On Wednesday Chile class got to go on the chrome books,it was very noisy!Two members of…

  • PTA agm tonight

    Dear Parents, We would like to invite you to the Parent Teachers Association AGM (Annual General Meeting) which will take place on Wednesday the 28th of September at 7:30pm in the school.  At this meeting there will be two main items: The PTA 2015-2016 events and fundraising report The election of the new PTA committee for 2016-2017.  Each…