It’s all hands on deck here in preparation for the 10 year celebration.
We are overwhelmed by the support and generosity everyone has shown for the planting day. Many thanks for all of the plants that have been sent in and for all of the help the students gave us to plant them.
The children had great fun with Níall de Búrca on Monday and I know that even more fun will be had next week.
The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) have donated €100 to the Down Syndrome Centre on behalf of the school. This was a percentage of the money made on the last clothes collection in June 2018. Well done and Míle buíochas to the PTA for their great work.
You can see other latest news from Lucan East on our Twitter page ( ) including 5th class working on a STEM project, the big win for our Boys Gaelic Football team and Learn Together in 1st Class and Junior Infants.
Finally, if you would like to make a contribution to the fundraising Colette is doing for OT resources for Lucan East ETNS at the moment you can do so by clicking on the following link:
Looking forward to our big celebrations next week!
Is mise le meas,