The past few weeks have been great fun in Egypt Class…..We are continuing to work as young scientists and last week we grew some crystals by mixing baking soda with cream of tartar……..they’re still growing …………so fingers crossed 🙂
Last week Jean Paul and Lauren went with Alan and Gráinne to RTE studios to take part in the Elev8 Sports quiz…….It was great to see the studio and we were kindly shown around RTE by the staff. Thanks for having us!!!!
This Monday, both 5th and 6th class finished up with Lucan Youth Service. Over the past two months we have learned a lot of valuable information that will help us to make good choices as we grow older. The Playstation 3, snooker table and Nintendo Wii were not bad either :-)…A big thank you again from China and Egypt class to Lucan Youth service for looking after us so well.
And Finally……this week we have been busy bees working hard on our Winter Concert. We have had great fun practicing and the performance will be open to parents of 5th and 6th Class on Thursday 19th December at 11.15pm. As always, we value and would really appreciate your attendance at the concert, and it should be a really enjoyable day…….