The Public Health Nurse, Catherine Carey, will be delivering talks to the parents about The Bug Buster Programme on Tuesday 7th March. The two talks will take place in the school hall at:
Talk 1: 1 – 1.20pm for the parents of Junior and Senior Infants
Talk 2: 2 – 2.20pm for the parents of 1st – 6th Class
The Bug Buster Programme is an initiative to tackle head lice in children. The Public Health Nurse will inform and educate parents about the prevention and treatment of head lice. There will be a short video clip, a question and answer session and a demonstration of the recommended combing technique. Every parent who attends will receive a free comb.
We really hope you can come to the talk as head lice are an issue for many in the school community. Even if your child has never had head lice, the talk will provide useful tips on how to prevent them, so please come along.
Many Thanks,
Rebecca – Home School Liaison Teacher