There are lots of news and happenings at Lucan East ETNS this week. The events listed below are just a flavour.
- Well done to all our athletes who performed so well at the Dublin Santry sports. Our u10 girl’s relay team came away with a silver medal and Fortune from Norway class won a silver in the u10 girls sprint. It was a really enjoyable days and we were really proud of all our athletes and how they supported each other and represented the school so well. Many thanks to Paula and Aoife O. who were responsible for training and organising the teams and we will be back again next year faster and stronger than ever.
- Check out our award winning intercultural video and a post about our all Ireland winning chess team on the Educate Together national office Facebook page.
- The open evening for parents of new Junior Infants takes place on June 6th at 7.30pm. This will be a chance for new Junior Infants and parents to have a look around the school, meet the teachers and get books for the coming year.
- Sports day takes place on Tuesday 11th June. Paula is looking for volunteers and if you would like to help contact her.
- The school singalong takes place on Wednesday June 19th at 7.30pm. Children from 1st to 5th class will be performing a selection of Lucan East’s favourite songs as introduced at assembly and whole school singing. Our aim is to have parents, children joined together in song to celebrate the end of the school year and to also celebrate what is our achievements and successses
- All after school activities have finished for this year.
- Our traffic week takes place next week. Make sure that you have read the traffic rules before the week which were issued to every family in the school this week. If you can volunteer you can give your name to Billy our caretaker or contact the office.
- Our summer fair takes place on Saturday June 15th and promises to be a great day for all the family. Check out the poster in the entrance to the school.
- Don’t forget to sign up to weekly newsletters by subscribing to them on the home page of our website. They give a great insight into the life of the school.
- It is very important that all parents to let us know if they will be leaving the school at the end of term as we have waiting list for almost all classes and would like to accommodate these families as spaces arrive.
I would also like to thank all those involved in our recent intercultural week which was one of the best events of the year in the school. We had a flag ceremony, International food day, Cricket clinic, Zumba and a traditional storyteller. Many thanks to Karen, Alan and Deirdre for all their hard work in organising this successful event.
Many thanks,