Day: February 24, 2012

  • School Garden-Let’s make it grow again

    The school garden is looking very neglected after the winter. Now that spring is here and the weather is starting to get warmer (we hope!!) we would like to make our garden into a place where we can grow vegetables, where flowers can blossom, fruits can flourish, birds, insects and other mini beasts can visit.…

  • Friday News

    There are lots of exciting events taking place in the school over the coming weeks. Time banking launch – March 2nd  in Adamstown community college Shamrock  money needs to be back in the school by next tuesday WOW – walk on Wednesday and park and stride starts in the school next Wednesday Our art project with artists Dennis…

  • Seachtain na Gaeilge

    Tá seachtain na Gaeilge ag teacht agus beidh a lán rudaí ag tarlú sa scoil. Irish language week will be celebrated in the school soon. Céilí  – a festival of Irish dancing The teachers will speaking Irish during lunch time in the staff room Lá glas – A day where everybody wears green visits from…

  • Time banking launch

    The launch of the time banking scheme will take place on Saturday March 2nd at Adamstown Community College.  The choir from the school will be giving a performance and there will be face painting and Juggling. There will be a t.v. crew so you might get the chance to be on television! The event takes…

  • W.O.W. Walk on Wednesday

    Next wednesday we will be starting a walk to school initiative called Walk on Wednesday or WOW. We are encouraging all families to take part and families that live far away can Park and Stride which means they can park in an area close to the school and walk the rest of the way. Below…

  • PTA news

    Coffee Mornings The Class Coffee mornings started this Tuesday with Canada and India. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents who attended and I hope everyone enjoyed meeting other parents and catching up on upcoming events in the school. It is vital for us as the Parent Teacher Committee to…

  • Planting in Australia Class

    This week the boys and girls in Australia class planted cress seeds. They worked in groups of three when placing the seeds in the soil and are taking turns to dribble a little water in their flower pot every morning. We made sure to place our pots in a place where they will get lots…