There are lots of exciting events taking place in the school over the coming weeks.
- Time banking launch – March 2nd in Adamstown community college
- Shamrock money needs to be back in the school by next tuesday
- WOW – walk on Wednesday and park and stride starts in the school next Wednesday
- Our art project with artists Dennis Cleary and Anne Connolly has been installed and can be seen in the entrance area of the school. You can find out more about the artists and their work at
- The PTA had very successful coffee mornings for parents this week. It is great to see parents around the school. There are more coffee mornings for different classes in the coming weeks. The PTA are also looking for some mums to run the mini marathon in aid of the school.
- I have volunteered with the community games in Lucan and we are looking for volunteers to help on the committee and other events. If you are interested contact me in the office.
Bíodh deireadh seachtaine deas agaibh (have a nice weekend),
There are lots of other things going on in the school so keep an eye on the website for regular updates