Welcome Back
It was great to see so many familiar faces walking through the doors of Lucan East ETNS over the past week and a half. There is a great atmosphere around the school and all of the children, both new and old, have settled in really well. I would also like to welcome our new members of staff who are great additions to the school community. We had a lot of work completed during the summer months but classrooms and corridors are all freshly painted and ready for the new school year.
Class Orientation meetings have already started and it is a great way to get to know the new class teacher(s) and the routines and homework within particular classes. Orientation meetings for 2nd to 6th class will be happening over the coming weeks and your child’s teacher will be in touch about that. Some will take the form of in-person meetings whereas others may be pre-recorded information videos. Please contact your class teacher by email if you have any further questions.
We hope to be in a position to return to welcoming family members into the classrooms for various activities throughout the year and Niall (Home School Liaison) will be in touch about those events in the future. I would like to thank outgoing members of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) for their contributions to the school in the past. We are delighted that some members are staying on and we really value the contribution that they make to the school. We look forward to welcoming new members and details of the Parent Teachers Association AGM will be shared in the coming weeks. hscl@lucaneastet.ie
The Department of Health and the office of the Chief Medical Officer have advised that there are no new requirements with respect to managing COVID-19.
The key messages are as follows:
- Stay at home if you are unwell. The best way to keep all viruses out of school is to stay at home if you are unwell and until your symptoms have substantially resolved for 48 hours.
- Maintain a good standard of hand hygiene
- Adhere to good respiratory etiquette
- Ensure good ventilation arrangements
- Continue to maintain good levels of cleaning
We will be doing our best to keep your children as safe as possible and we appreciate your help in this regard.
I would like to thank all of the parents for their cooperation at the roundabout in the mornings. Please be mindful that our priority is to ensure safe entry and exit for all of the children.
Don’t forget to keep an eye on our Twitter feed @lucaneastet in the coming weeks to see all of the great work in our classrooms. We have had some issues with our website this week but we hope that these will be resolved soon.
Have a lovely weekend,